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Mission Outreach

Socksgiving is here!


We’re off to a great start for Socksgiving, thanks to some early bird donations. We already have around 140 pairs toward our full collection of 1,000 pairs of brand NEW socks.


Our mission partner, La Puente in Alamosa, needs socks in all sizes (for babies, kids, and adults) for folks experiencing homelessness.


Please deliver brand NEW socks to the box on the church steps or any collection box around town between now and Nov. 24. Thank you!

Creede Community Church emphasizes the “community” part of our name by focusing on local, regional, and national mission efforts, both financially and hands-on.


As a “5 for 5” congregation we also participate in the special mission offerings of the United Church of Christ.


Every once in a while, we have a mission dinner to raise money for a worthy cause. Dates vary, so watch for details.

Mission/Outreach and Helping Hands


Co-chairs: Jana Wilson (Mission/Outreach), Bethany Andre (Helping Hands)
Through Mission Outreach and Helping Hands, we implement many of the direct mission efforts of the church. These include overseeing the mission budget and providing hands-on service opportunities locally and beyond. Helping Hands, along with our Ladies Aid Society, provides funds for local neighbors in need. For a detailed description, see Mission Outreach Committee and Helping Hands (pdf).


Helping Hands

Creede Community Church administers the Helping Hands fund which, along with the Ladies Aid Society, collects and disburses funds for those with practical needs (rent, car repairs, medical expenses, etc). For a detailed description, see Mission Outreach Committee and Helping Hands (pdf).


Disaster Relief:

We mobilize congregants, partner churches, and community members in disaster relief trips whenever we can. Our ever popular mission dinners help raise the funds.

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Hurricane Harvey Relief Trip, Houston, TX (October, 2018)

Our Mission Partners Include:


LaPuente Homeless Shelter

We provide financial support, Christmas gifts, provide clean, new socks during our annual Socksgiving drive and occasionally serve lunch to La Puente guests.


Tu Casa

We give financial support to Tu Casa, which provides safe shelter and support for women and their children escaping domestic violence.

The Church Building as Community Service:

CCC provides our church facility as a free service to the Creede community. Among the many organizations that use the building are Creede/Mineral Arts and Recreation, Creede Historical Society, Alcoholics Anonymous, Rebekas, Creede Repertory Theater, Creede Schools, Akido, and the Creede Community Youth Group.


Our facility is open to virtually any group free of charge. To book your event or program, contact the church office.

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