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Creede Community Church, UCC
Ladies Aid Society
Supporting Creede Community Church and the wider community since 1899!
Ladies Aid Society
Over 125 Years of Love and Service!

Creede Community Church established a "Ladies Auxiliary" in 1899 that eventually became the Ladies Aid Society - now with over 100 members. CCC oversees the activities of LAS, which include: providing meals to the sick and bereaved, disbursing funds for practical needs, helping send kids to camp, and collecting toiletries in support of migrant workers.
Ladies Aid is an all-volunteer organization whose membership is open to all the women of our community. The Ladies Aid Society Rummage Sale and Bazaar, held the 2nd week of July each year (mark your calendar!) provides most of the annual funds for LAS, and supports the general ministries of CCC and several local non-profits.

Thanks to the Ladies (and quite a few men) who help for all they do, near and far!
LAS meets on the first Friday of the month (August-June) at 10am in Fellowship Hall. Free childcare is provided with advance notice.
For more information, visit our Facebook page:
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