Creede Community Church, UCC
Pastor: Sarah B. Linn
Rev. Dr. Sarah B. Linn has nearly 20 years of experience leading international Christian relief and development efforts in over a dozen countries. From 2003-2009, she lived and worked in the Republic of Yemen, where she started learning Arabic and founded a network of adult education centers.
After returning from Yemen, Sarah was ordained by the Presbyterian Church (USA). She has been part of Creede Community Church since 2017.
In addition to earlier degrees (a BA in English Literature and MA in Higher Ed Administration/Student Development from Bowling Green State University), Sarah received her M.Div from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California and her Doctor of Ministry degree, focused on non-coercive community engagement, from Phillips Theological Seminary in Tulsa, Oklahoma.​
Wed. Word: Jan. 22
We are “GO” for painting the church!
Having received pledges totaling $700 more than the $30,125 needed, we’ve accepted the bid and are getting the church building painted this summer! When you’re ready to fulfill your pledge, please be sure to note “capital improvements” on the memo line of your check.
Thank you!
Now, we’re seeking estimates to replace our three furnaces. We can have updated units installed one at a time, if need be, but hope to get at least the main furnace (for the sanctuary) replaced this year. So, we’re still receiving “capital improvements” pledges right here. Stay tuned for more information as we have it.
Again, thank you for your generous support! Woohoo!
I have a sense that another world is possible,
and that it is within this world.
-- unknown
Through the Epiphany season, we’re reading about the initial expressions of Jesus “Showing Forth” the life and presence of God. We started by reflecting on his baptism and wilderness temptations. Last week, we considered his first public miracle in John’s gospel – an act of grace and rescue, marked by celebration and joy. This week and next, we’re back in Luke’s gospel (Luke 4:14-30) to hear Jesus’ first recorded sermon. At first, the faithful eagerly receive his message. They rightly grasp the good news: That the very person of Jesus demonstrates God’s commitment (Isaiah 61:1-2) to enact good news: healing and wholeness, deliverance and freedom. So, before his audience turns on him (which you just know they will; we’ll talk about that next week), we’ll look at God’s promise to make all things new in people’s practical lives.
See you on Sunday,
P.S. Listen to last Sunday’s message, “When the Wine Runs Out,” right here.