Creede Community Church, UCC
Creede Community Church is a small and strong congregation committed to living out the way of Jesus Christ by loving and serving God and neighbor.
We enthusiastically welcome and are enriched by the diversity of our members and guests. Our congregation is made up of rich and poor, LBGTQ and straight, right-leaning and left-leaning, and more. All are welcome and invited to join in all aspects of congregational life: participating in worship, receiving the sacraments, volunteering in ministry, becoming members, and serving in leadership.
We seek to promote unity within the Body of Christ by working cooperatively with other congregations and organizations in our community and the surrounding area, knowing we can minister more together than we could hope to alone.
Our Story
The Creede Community Church (CCC) was established in the early days of the City of Creede, when silver worth millions was being brought out of the surrounding mountains. In 1892, the first Christian worship service in town was held in a local cabin and led by a minister from the Congregational Home Mission office in Denver. The first baptism took place a year later, and on August 5, 1894, a group of citizens lead by W. T. Patchell filed an affidavit incorporating "Creede Congregational Church."
Stories are told of children going into the bars of Creede, of which there were many, to collect money to build and furnish "a church house." The cornerstone was laid on May 30, 1905. The sanctuary was in service the following winter, and our beautiful building, which has since become affectionately known as “The Red Church,” was finally dedicated on June 30, 1912. The original piano still graces our sanctuary.
Attendance in regular worship services varies from around 30 in the winter to 80 in the summer. The seasonal variation results from our congregation being made up of three distinct groups:
Year-rounders: full-time Creede residents;
Seasonal residents: people who are active in the church each summer and consider CCC their “other” church home. A number of summer residents have dual memberships with CCC and their home church; and
Local non-members: who attend and claim CCC as their church.